Marvin screenshot

Structured data processed for software development.

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Marvin is a lightweight AI engineering framework that streamlines the integration of AI-powered functionalities into software development projects. It simplifies tasks such as extracting entities from web pages or categorizing items in databases through AI functions.

Key Features:
  • Streamlines integration of AI-powered functionalities
  • Extract entities from web pages
  • Categorize items in databases
  • Create customized AI assistants
  • Leverage AI capabilities without extensive coding

    Use Cases:
  • Integrating AI-powered functionalities into software development projects
  • Extracting entities from web pages
  • Categorizing items in databases
  • Creating customized AI assistants

  • Simplify tasks in software development projects
  • Efficiently extract entities from web pages
  • Streamline categorization of items in databases
  • Create customized AI assistants with specific roles or personalities
  • Implement AI capabilities without extensive coding efforts
  • Videos


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