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Autonomous Project Monitoring and Management.

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Moovila is an autonomous project monitoring and management platform that uses AI-powered work management to transform chaos into harmony. Key Features: - Seamless communication and collaboration - Real-time capacity forecasting and resource allocation - Autonomous monitoring for schedule flaws and delays 24/7 - Leverage real-time analytics, reporting, and measurement Moovila securely connects your enterprise work data, allowing executives to improve forecast and plan accuracy, managers to respond faster to identified issues, and customers to see if/where they cause delays. The platform autonomously monitors programs for risk and delays, alerts users to issues, and provides real-time data reporting and measurement. With Moovila, users can build and maintain flawless work plans, spot bottlenecks, and adjust to fluctuations in real time. The platform also offers customization without configuration overload and integrates with existing apps.



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