
Malcolm Frank

Joined August 30, 2023 TalentGenius linkedin icon

The all-in-one career navigator for tech professionals

Automated meeting summaries to capture and share insights.

The all-in-one career navigator for tech professionals

DALL·E 2 is an AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.

Plagiarism Checker and AI Detector built for serious content publishers

AI-driven personalized news feed tool.

Followed Tools

Monitor LLMs in production. Detect hallucinations, bias, and safety risks. Prevent bad outputs from reaching your users.

The all-in-one career navigator for tech professionals

Grow your business, fix issues, and optimize operations all in one platform.

Your generative AI–powered assistant designed for work that can be tailored to your business

DALL·E 2 is an AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.

Generate accurate models and support various AI solutions for enterprise use cases.

Optimize your serverless environment with lightning-fast performance and compact size.

The AI-powered work assistant. Across all your company’s data.

We stop attacks on cloud native applications. We Guarantee it.

Automated meeting summaries to capture and share insights.

Plagiarism Checker and AI Detector built for serious content publishers

Write & run code in 50+ languages with Replit's Ghostwriter AI feature.

AI-driven personalized news feed tool.